Wednesday, 23 March 2011


... to the Parkview Cafe mini photo-marathon blog. 2011 is going to be the first year of what we hope will be an annual event that showcases the work of photographers in Cardiff, with an emphasis on inclusivity for people with disabilities. The event will take the form of a mini photo-marathon: competitors will be given 6 subjects, and they will be allowed to take one picture per subject. In contrast to a normal mass start photo-marathon, the competition will be run over consecutive weekends through the summer, in order for us to keep the groups small so that we can offer support to any of the competitors if they need it. The accumulated photos will then be judged in September, and the winners will picked in two categories: best overall portfolio and best individual picture. An exhibition will be held in Parkview of all the pictures taken, with an aim to tour the exhibition as far afield as possible after that.
There are lots more details to tell you about, and all will be made clear with succeeding posts! In the meantime, if you have any queries, you can contact us on

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